Sunday, April 26, 2015

Social Media and 21st Century Learners

Today's learners are Techies!! Lets face it, if I have a problem with my computer or iPad or even iPhone, there's no need for me to reach out and wait for tech support, I have 20 specialists sitting right in my classroom! With this technology come a great amount of responsibility. To incorporate technology into the classroom requires that students understand how to stay safe. This can be applied through all social media outlets as well. Education of students and internet safety begins early. The following is a video put out by Toshiba. Even though it is an ad, this is a great video that can be pulled apart and analyzed by teachers with their students one topic at a time.

Social Media Safety

By educating students on how to utilize technology and social media sites responsibly, students and educators can have FUN!!!

Collaborating across digital media has never been easier. One amazing tool (that can also help you keep all of our thoughts organized) is Pinterest. I use this site like crazy! I have boards after boards of ideas flowing. Two recent tools that I have started researching and subsequently established new connections and boards for is Project Based Learning and STEM projects. Project based learning incorporates real world applications into the classroom. These connections only allow students to create a deeper understanding for the content being presented. Furthermore, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) allows educators to bring together all subjects into one core topic. A wonderful resource can be located at Defined STEM. By setting up for an account, users can browse topics and receive ideas for projects that can be brought back into the classroom. 

Below are two great links for Project Based Learning and STEM sites to find resources and pre-made plans!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Google Calendar and ClassDojo

Let's face it, a teacher's desk can sometimes become a black hole of assignments, meeting announcements, permission forms, calendars, etc... In the digital age, Google Drive allows educators, and any other disorganized individual, become organized.

One tool that I use is Google Calendar. Here I am able to create a specific school calendar, a personal calendar, my son's school calendar and a calendar for my husband's work schedule in one tidy place. Even better, I can share one, or all, of these calendars with the public or specific individuals. Furthermore, I can embed a school calendar on any website such as our classroom page so that parents can keep current on what is going on in the district, school and specific classroom.

The following is a video that introduces a couple of cool calendar add ons that will help with time tasks.

Digital classroom management tools can come in handy! ClassDojo is such a tool. This positive behavior management tool is able to be projected on Smartboards or on individual iPads. Furthermore, parents can also log in and receive messages or reminders on their student. There are several ways to implement ClassDojo in a classroom. 

In a blog by Flap Jack Educational Resources, the author, Tabitha Carro, presents her tools and methods of implementing ClassDojo in her classroom. Additionally, she gives links to free materials to get the system established. Another blog, Tales From Outside the Classroom, shows how ClassDojo was implemented as a Token Economy as well. ClassDojo is very flexible and can be utilized for several age groups.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Google Drive

I have already stated in several posts now that my local district utilizes Google Docs and the educational venue Google Classroom. A primary reason why we utilize this network is due to the availability to collaborate across many outlets!

In case you have never collaborated with Google Drive, here is a webinar recently completed in January of 2015 by Eric Curts of SPARCC EdTech:

The following graphic shows several ways that Google Drive can be utilized within the classroom:

Finally, Google Docs/Drive does not have to be used just for the classroom. There are so many uses for this network within everyday operations. In fact, if you simply search for Google Templates, you can find an endless supply of pre-made templates that can help you organize your life! Check out a hot list of 50 Google Templates here!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Schoology vs. Google Classroom

Our classroom currently uses a collaborative learning network Google Classroom. This system easily allows students to collaborate on projects and submit their work to the educator. The only catch is that this program is not accessible to students or teachers who do not have an Educational Docs account and it is a service that you have to purchase.

This week I learned more about two unique alternatives: Edmodo and Schoology. Both of these systems would seamlessly transition into the classroom with my students. And even better, both programs are FREE!!! Again, what teacher doesn't love that four letter word?!

Personally, I prefer Schoology. I feel like the interface is easier to manipulate and I really like the grade-book and attendance functions. The only complication is that the documents that I currently access through Google Docs cannot be transferred onto the system. Here is a quick graphic on how Schoology and Google Classroom features compare.

So, what is Schoology and how does it work?

The following video is a Hangout with Dr. Will Deyamport of GEG Mississippi, Robert Schuetz and Michael Fricano II. Here they discuss the comparisons between using Schoology vs. Google Classroom. I really enjoyed this seeing as how our district is currently spending quite a bit of money on our Google accounts for all students throughout the district. 

In short, I will definitely be implementing Schoology within my learning community regardless of the district I am in!